Arizona law prohibits either spouse in a divorce proceeding from removing the other spouse from health insurance plans. This allows continuity of coverage during the proceeding, but once the divorce is finalized, it is typically each party's own responsibility to provide their own insurance, and many find themselves without coverage. Naturally, … [Read more...] about Obamacare May Increase Health Coverage After Divorce #DivorceAttorney
Divorce-Family Law Attorney
Divorcing Parents – Avoid Alcohol Abuse, Illegal Drugs, or Excessive Prescription Drug Use #DivorceAttorney
If you as a parent have filed for divorce or are seeking sole or equal decision making of your minor children, the court must decide what is in the child’s best interests, if you and your spouse cannot agree. If your spouse alleges you abuse alcohol or drugs, most likely the court will require you to be drug tested. Usually this is a urine test … [Read more...] about Divorcing Parents – Avoid Alcohol Abuse, Illegal Drugs, or Excessive Prescription Drug Use #DivorceAttorney
Careful the Things You Say, Children Will Listen | Parenting Time Attorney
My wife recently gave birth to our first child. Words cannot describe what it was like to first see him, hold him and care for him. Do you remember seeing your first child for the first time? Did you think about how much you wanted to protect that defenseless baby? How much you wanted to do things right? I have so much to learn as a parent, … [Read more...] about Careful the Things You Say, Children Will Listen | Parenting Time Attorney
Twitter Usage Linked with Divorce | Arizona Divorce
A new study finds a correlation between Twitter usage and relationship problems, including divorce. The more frequent the Twitter usage, the higher the likelihood of discord in the couple. The study found the same results for couples who had been together for years, as well as newly formed relationships. The results of this and other studies tends … [Read more...] about Twitter Usage Linked with Divorce | Arizona Divorce
How to Find the Best Divorce Lawyer in Arizona | Family Law Attorney
How do you find the best family law attorney in Arizona? While there may be a number of attorneys who might think they are the best, I doubt anyone could truly lay claim to that title. (And if anyone claims he/she is the best then you need to rush out of his/her office and find someone else.) I think the real question should be, how do you find the … [Read more...] about How to Find the Best Divorce Lawyer in Arizona | Family Law Attorney
Property Division in Arizona: Equitably versus Equally
Arizona is a community property state. That basically means that both parties have control of property earned or purchased during the marriage. (There are a number of exceptions to this but we’ll save that for other articles). The law regarding this is A.R.S. §25-318, which states in part that the court shall “divide the community, joint … [Read more...] about Property Division in Arizona: Equitably versus Equally